UTREES 1907--
An introduction to the Bibliography -- including notes on scope -- is available here.
Update March 2024: While the UTREES database is not linked to the British Library, EthOS's current inaccessibility due to the cyber attack on the institution in October has made it extremely challenging to update UTREES, impacting the searchability for theses. Typically, the update is done at the beginning of the calendar year to include all theses finalized in the autumn. The last update of the database was done in January 2023. Given the attack's timing in October, EthOS could not be accessed to extract and analyze data on theses published last year. Therefore, for the major update of UTREES, we need to wait for EthOS to be available again.
If there are users familiar with individual theses aligning with UTREES' scope of interest and would like the information to be made available as soon as possible, we kindly request direct contact with the editor who will ensure that the information is added to the database.
Recent additions or edits
ELEANOR K. PEERS. 2010. Print, power and personhood: Newspapers and ethnic identity in East Siberia. PhD thesis. Cambridge.
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
2023-03-21 13:50:33
Pop. 46.78%
KRYSTYNA WIESZCZEK DE OLIVEIRA. 2020. George Orwell and Poland: émigré, official and clandestine receptions. PhD thesis. Southampton.
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
2023-01-09 14:40:24
Pop. 6.14%
KENNETH WARD. 2022. The artist and the regime: Karel Kachyňa and four decades of Czechoslovak film. PhD thesis. Glasgow.
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
2023-01-09 14:37:52
Pop. 9.18%
KLARA VOLARIć. 2022. Nation-building and migration policies on the ground: Migration of Yugoslav Muslims to Turkey (1923-1938). PhD thesis. Loughborough.
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
2023-01-09 14:35:29
Pop. 10.44%
BRUNO VINDROLA-PADRóS. 2021. The Early Neolithic 'Broken World': The role of pottery breakage in south-eastern and central Europe. PhD thesis. UCL.
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
2023-01-09 14:34:04
Pop. 6.74%
MARINA VELIÄKOVIć. 2021. The riddle of history solved: How the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia narrated Bosnia's history. PhD thesis. Cambridge.
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
2023-01-09 14:29:58
Pop. 9.18%
BENEDEK VARGA. 2022. August Ludwig Schlözer [historian, 1735-1809] and enlightenment in the 'Age of Parallels' [with special reference to Hungary, Livonia, Russia and Transylvania]. PhD thesis. Cambridge.
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
2023-01-09 14:27:49
Pop. 9.7%
DóRA SZABó. 2022. Household archaeology of 5th- to 6th-century settlements in Central Europe [i.e. in Eastern Hungary]. PhD thesis. Exeter.
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
2023-01-09 14:26:12
Pop. 8.29%
EMMA RIMPILäINEN. 2021. Mobility that emplaces: Governance of presence in the aftermath of the Donbas war. DPhil thesis. Oxford.
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
2023-01-09 14:24:18
Pop. 7.99%
NEBOJSA RADIć. 2021. The Russian Soul: a novel: And, Self-translation and re-writing in Ferré, Duranti, Goldsworthy and Radić. PhD thesis. East Anglia.
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
2023-01-09 14:22:07
Pop. 9.55%