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Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)
Area/Language: GDR
J.A. CATTERSON. 1990. The significance of the Oder-Neisse border in international politics, 1943-1990. M.Phil. thesis. Oxford.
Added by: gerard
Pop. 62.77%
ZHONG CHEN. 2014. Defying Moscow, engaging Beijing: The German Democratic Republic's relations with the People's Republic of China, 1980-1989. PhD thesis. London (LSE).
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
Pop. 40.04%
SIMON D. COLL. 2020. Social perspectives on nationalism, normalization and East German-Polish relations, 1955-1985. PhD thesis. UCL.
Added by: Gregory Walker
Pop. 19.32%
JANE HALL. 1976. The political role of East Germany within Eastern Europe, 1963-1971. PhD thesis. Sussex.
Added by: Gregory Walker
Pop. 18.21%
FREDERIC ISCHEBECK-BAUM. 2020. Spies at the heart of the Cold War: The British Commanders'-in Chief mission to the Soviet troops in Germany, 1946-1990 ('BRIXMIS'). PhD thesis. KCL.
Added by: Gregory Walker
Pop. 19.62%
STEVEN JEFFERSON. 2016. Exodus, expulsion, explication: Collective memories of Silesia as a German-Polish frontier zone [1945- ]. PhD thesis. London (School of Advanced Study).
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
Pop. 34.27%
J.P. LESTER. 1988. Cohesion and problems of viability in the GDR's relationship with the Soviet Union. A regional test case: The Bezirk of Halle. Ph.D. thesis. Hull.
Added by: gerard
Pop. 63.51%
N. LOUIS. 1984. The Soviet Union and the German question, 1945 to 1973: A study of views and perspectives. M.Phil. thesis. Oxford.
Added by: gerard
Pop. 54.11%
A. MEGAS. 2006. Soviet policy towards the German Democratic Republic: Domestic politics and the international system. Ph.D. thesis. Leeds.
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
Pop. 58.25%
G. SHERMAN. 1956. Soviet policy and Eastern Germany, 1952-1954. B.Litt. thesis. Oxford.
Added by: gerard
Pop. 54.26%
PETER C. SPEICHER. 2001. The Berlin origins of Brandt's Ostpolitik, 1957-1966. PhD thesis. Cambridge.
Added by: Gregory Walker
Pop. 13.77%
RHIAN M. THOMAS. 2016. Wales and the German Democratic Republic: Expressions and perceptions of Welsh identity during the Cold War [with special reference to the Sorbian minority]. PhD thesis. South Wales.
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
Pop. 40.64%
F.S. WYMAN. 1983. Soviet-East German relations, 1949-1972: The politics of dependence. M.Phil. thesis. Oxford.
Added by: gerard
Pop. 56.33%