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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)
Area/Language: Wales, Welsh
PAULA HAMILTON. 2011. The inclusion of Eastern European children into primary schools in North Wales: A case study. PhD thesis. Glyndwr.
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Pop. 50.91%
PHILIPPA HOLLOWAY. 2019. Borderlands: A novel and poetics [with reference to exclusion zones around Chernobyl and Wylfa]. PhD thesis. Edge Hill.
Added by: Gregory Walker
Pop. 20.16%
ALEKSANDRA KACZMAREK-DAY. 2013. Polish children in Wales: Neogtiating identities in school, church and neighbourhood. PhD thesis. Cardiff.
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
Pop. 46.99%
MáRTON LENDVAY. 2018. Community resilience and agency within the rural assemblage [with special reference to Hungary and Wales]. PhD thesis. Aberystwyth.
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
Pop. 28.93%
JULIE PORTER. 2013. Motivation and trajectories: A study of Polish migrants in Cardiff. PhD thesis. Cardiff.
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
Pop. 48.95%
S.P. ROWLANDS. 2002. Marginal politics: The aesthetic and the essayistic in selected writings by Twm Morys, Václav Havel and Bohumil Hrabal. D.Phil. thesis. Oxford.
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
Pop. 57.58%
RHIAN M. THOMAS. 2016. Wales and the German Democratic Republic: Expressions and perceptions of Welsh identity during the Cold War [with special reference to the Sorbian minority]. PhD thesis. South Wales.
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
Pop. 42.71%