UTREES: University Theses in Russian, Soviet and East European Studies 1907--

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Browse Institutions

Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography

Displaying 1 - 100 of 251

Aberdeen [60]  Abertay [1]  Aberystwyth [10]  Anglia Polytechnic University [1]  Anglia Poly Univ [1]  Anglia Ruskin [8]  Aston [16]  Bangor [4]  Bath [30]  Bedfordshire [6]  Birkbeck [1]  Birmingham [274]  Birmingham City [1]  Bolton [1]  Bournemouth [11]  Bradford [53]  Brighton [9]  Bristol [85]  Brunel [27]  Brunel (Buckinghamshire Chilterns) [1]  Buckingham [1]  Bucks New [1]  Cambridge [455]  Canterbury Christ Church [4]  Cardiff [33]  Cardiff Metropolitan [2]  Cardiffr [1]  Central England [1]  Central Lancashire [3]  Central St Martin's College [1]  Chester [2]  City [16]  City Univ. of London [1]  City University of London [1]  CNAA (Brighton Poly) [1]  CNAA (Kingston Poly) [2]  CNAA (Middx Poly) [1]  CNAA (North London Poly) [1]  CNAA (Oxford Poly) [1]  CNAA (Plymouth Poly) [1]  CNAA (Portsmouth Poly) [1]  CNAA (South Bank Poly) [1]  CNAA (Thames Poly) [1]  CNAA (Wolverhampton Poly) [2]  Coventry [3]  Cranfield [6]  De Montfort [16]  Derby [6]  Dublin City [16]  Dundee [22]  Durham [75]  East Anglia [60]  East London [8]  Edge Hill [5]  Edinburgh [164]  Edinburgh Napier [4]  Essex [102]  Exeter [84]  Glamorgan [4]  Glasgow [229]  Glasgow Caledonian [6]  Gloucestershire [2]  Glsgow [1]  Glyndwr [1]  Greenwich [4]  Guildhall School of Music & Drama [1]  Guildhall School of Music & Drama [1]  Heriot-Watt [20]  Hertfordshire [6]  Huddersfield [8]  Hull [21]  Imperial [3]  KCL [47]  Keele [51]  Kent [90]  Kingston [12]  Lancaster [53]  Leeds [135]  Leeds Metropolitan [5]  Leicester [47]  Limerick [12]  Lincoln [3]  Liverpool [28]  Liverpool John Moores [2]  London (Bedford) [1]  London (Birkbeck) [37]  London (Chelsea) [1]  London (City) [8]  London (Courtauld) [25]  London (External) [32]  London (Goldsmiths) [53]  London (Guy's, King's & St Thomas's Med Sch) [1]  London (Heythrop) [3]  London (Imperial) [11]  London (Inst Adv Legal St) [1]  London (Inst Archaeol) [3]  London (Inst Commonwealth Stud) [1]  London (Inst Educ) [12]  London (Inst Hist Res) [2]  London (Jews' College) [1]

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