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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)
Area/Language: Yugoslavia
HAZIM FAZLIć. 2012. Islam in the successor states of former Yugoslavia: Religious changes in the post-communist Balkans from 1989--2009. PhD thesis. Birmingham.
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
Pop. 44.12%
SEJAD MEKIć. 2011. Husein Äozo and Islamic modernism in Titoist Yugoslavia: A study of the life and work of Husein Äozo (1912-1982). PhD thesis. London (SOAS).
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Pop. 49.15%
P. PALMER. 2000. The Communists and the Roman Catholic Church in Yugoslavia, 1941-1946. D.Phil. thesis. Oxford.
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
Pop. 45.6%
C.K. SORABJI. 1989. Muslim identity and Islamic faith in Sarajevo. Ph.D. thesis. Cambridge.
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
Pop. 51.52%
KLARA VOLARIć. 2022. Nation-building and migration policies on the ground: Migration of Yugoslav Muslims to Turkey (1923-1938). PhD thesis. Loughborough.
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
Pop. 10.44%