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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)
Area/Language: Bulgarian
D.V. DRAGNEVA. 2006. Conceptions of decay in Czech and Bulgarian national mythology. Ph.D. thesis. London (UCL).
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
Pop. 71.88%
BOZHIL P. HRISTOV. 2012. Agreement, case assignment and nominal coordination [with special reference to Bulgarian and Serbo-Croat]. DPhil thesis. Oxford.
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
Pop. 51.89%
C.M. MACROBERT. 1980. The decline of the infinitive in Bulgarian. D.Phil. thesis. Oxford.
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
Pop. 62.21%
V.DE.S. PINTO. 1952. The Narodnik movement in Bulgarian literature, and the influence on that movement of Russian literature and thought. Ph.D. thesis. London (SSEES).
Added by: gerard
Pop. 59.16%
D. POPOVA. 2000. Developing English for science and technology in the Bulgarian context. Ph.D. thesis. Surrey.
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
Pop. 64.68%
G.D. POPOVA. 2006. Aspect in the morphological paradigm: A case study of Bulgarian. Ph.D. thesis. Essex.
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
Pop. 63.15%
MITKO SABEV. 2020. Spectral and durational unstressed vowel reduction: An acoustic study of monolingual and bilingual speakers of Bulgarian and Turkish. DPhil thesis. Oxford.
Added by: Gregory Walker
Pop. 19.55%
N.T. YAKIMOVA. 2009. Compliments in Bulgarian. PhD thesis. Lancaster.
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
Pop. 62.28%