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Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)
Area/Language: Serbian
ALEKSANDAR PAVLOVIC. 2012. From traditional to transitional texts: Montenegrin oral tradition and Vuk Karadžić's 'Narodne srpske pjesme'. PhD thesis. Nottingham.
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
Pop. 52.03%
NEBOJSA RADIć. 2021. The Russian Soul: a novel: And, Self-translation and re-writing in Ferré, Duranti, Goldsworthy and Radić. PhD thesis. East Anglia.
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
Pop. 9.96%
MIRJANA SOKOLOVIć-PEROVIć. 2012. The voicing contrast in Serbian stops. PhD thesis. Newcastle.
Last edited by: Gregory Walker
Pop. 46.35%